A World Class Shipping Line at your Service

Cordelia Container Shipping Line has the vision of serving as a world class Liner company underpinned by reliable networks, efficient services, professional standards and state-of-the-art systems.

Cordelia offers container shipping services to customers across Asia and Africa regions currently and will progressively extend the network to serve all global markets. We are focused on serving customers across all Asian and select African trade lanes using a wide range of service networks and containers with specialization in refrigerated cargo.

We are committed to providing ‘best in class’ professional liner services across a wide spectrum combining speed, safety, reliability, efficiency and value backed by a superior IT system.


We offer Comprehensive Geographic Coverage spanning Asia and Africa, with our services designed to achieve the Customers’ delivery imperatives. We present to our customers Optimum Routes in terms of Speed, Safety, and Economy with a choice of services and trade available from a palette of networks.
We believe in and practise Customer Empowerment to sustain our Customers’ commitments and deliver via Efficiency, Neutrality, Transparency, and Integrity Point-to-point transit accuracy.


North Asia

South East Asia

South Asia

Middle East


Red Sea

East Africa

Our Vision

Augment Cordelia Container Shipping Line as a world class Liner company championed with reliable networks, efficient services, professional standards and state-of-the-art systems.

Our Mission

CSL will operate as a Container Liner offering services to customers across Asia and Africa regions and progressively develop to serve all global markets.

Our Network

CSL will serve customers across all Asian and select African trade lanes using a wide range of service network and containers with astute specialization in refrigerated cargo.

Our Aspiration

CSL is committed to providing ‘best in class’ professional liner services that combine speed, safety, reliability, efficiency and value backed by a superior IT system across a wide spectrum of regions.

Ramadan Kareem
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